Honey Bees & Hannah's Longhorns
John has a big wonderful family. His mom's sister Hannah, a former school teacher, bought 100 acres in Kingsbury when she retired. She wanted a garden, chickens and pet Longhorns. Her pickles are legendary.
About 3 years ago, her son Scott invited us to put a few bee hives on the property and they have flourished!
The yard sits down a little hill across from a pond where they cattle drink. Their sunrise includes a picturesque working windmill that fills a tank. The forage in Kingsbury includes wild grape vines, every wildflower known to man the most curious of them are field of white Texas Prickly Poppies - also known as stinging nettles. <<Because we don't have enough things that sting in our world!>>. This year there were several types of Bee Balm that covered the pastures. Normally Kingsbury had produced a light caramel honey with a molasses or brown sugar finish. Not Spring 2023. It is light, sweet and buttery with a fruity finish!